Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Book suggestions por favor!

A rainy Wednesday in Playa del Carmen, which allows me to spend a day inside, rest my skin from the sun, read my book, clean the house, and work on some Spanish lessons via Rosetta Stone. The former all things I would rather do than the latter, for some reason I just cannot force myself to sit down and practice Spanish on the computer. It's more fun to just try to practice with someone in person. I'm reading El Principito, aloud, every night to work on my pronunciation. Estoy loca, I thought I'd have this language mastered in like a month (that might be the impatience that I inherited from my dad coming through).

I'm incredibly thankful for my Kindle and being able to check books out from the Urbandale Library from another country. I need book suggestions though so that's what this post is about. Send me any titles of great books you've read, much appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool pic! I'm sure you saw the movie, but did you read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"? Would probably take you like 30 min to read but classic nonetheless. :) That's all I got. I can only find time to read when I'm on the beach...oh so soon!
