The last two nights I have had encounters with bugs, BIG BUGS, in the bathroom at the house. It's not that I'm surprised, living in a jungle environment, there are lizards, bugs, etc all over the place. They get in the house. It's a part of life. The lizards are cute, I don't mind them at all. They actually eat the bugs so that's cool. I guess it's just the size of the bugs that freaked me out. And has me scared to use my bathroom.
Sunday night, I'm going to brush my teeth, turn on the light and see something scamper under the garbage can. I call Cristian in, tell him I think there's a cockroach in there and he opens the door, grabs the broom, and sweeps the cockroach outside.
Last night, I'm using the bathroom and there is a HUGE spider watching me. He's just casually sitting there, not moving, maybe waiting for the right moment to attack, I don't know. It was good I was already on the toilet so I didn't wet my pants. I finish using the bathroom and run out of there to have Cristian come get rid of it. He opens the door, grabs the broom and sweeps the spider outside. Mind you, this might have been the faster spider I have ever seen. He told me last night that it was small compared to the ones he usually sees, they are on average, THE SIZE OF HIS THUMB. Then he told me a story about one time in Mexico City, his friend kicked this huge spider who happened to have all of it's babies on it's back and they went all over the house. Seriously. I have no words to describe how that makes me feel.
Cristian has this whole "live and let live" mentality with bugs and I have to tell you, that attitude is out the window if I see a giant bug when he's not here. This is the Third world, it's kill or be killed, and I'm not going to casually sweep some freaking giant bug out the door just so he can show up later to attack. Or maybe I'll just run screaming from the house.If the spider is the size of my thumb, how will I crush it?! I can't do it with my flip flops, I need cowboy boots or some of my dad's hunting boots.
Anyway, now every time I go to use the bathroom, I'm like a gunslinger, I swing around the corner, ready to kill anything that moves. There's a new sheriff in town!